COVID-19 Update 19 March 2020


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Following the announcement from our political representatives yesterday that schools will close to pupils from Monday of next week, the staff at Larne High School have made significant preparations to keep pupils supplied with appropriate work for the coming weeks. Please continue to use the Show My Homework App to view the work set.

School will be open tomorrow morning to allow pupils in Years 12 and 14 to check in with any teachers they need to speak to. There is, however, no requirement for pupils to attend school–if they need to speak to a teacher regarding coursework, portfolio work etc. they are free to do so. School will not follow any particular timetable tomorrow –teachers will be available in their classrooms for pupils in Years 12 and 14 who may wish to consult with them. All relevant work for the completion of courses is now available in electronic format.

A number of you who work in our front line services will be keen to know what provision is being made for your children to allow you to continue working. We are awaiting guidance from Stormont on how this is to be managed, and when this is published I will update you as appropriate.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support and patience at this time of uncertainty. I would also like to thank the staff in Larne High School for the work they have put in behind the scenes to ensure the best possible outcome for all out young people. Please be assured that throughout these challenging days we will continue to work to the best of our ability to support your children and deliver education to them as best we can.

Yours sincerely,

Dr S. Reid


Jill Johnston