Uniform Collection
Dear Parent/Guardian
The newly appointed Heads of School are pleased to announce, as a part of Eco schools, the introduction of a School Uniform Bank. We have decided to reserve a few days to drop off pre-loved uniform and sports kits. We have recognised the cost of living has risen drastically and therefore we hope to benefit our community through this scheme.
The drop off dates will be 24 June (this date is held specifically for year 12 and 14 only) and 29 & 30 June for all pupils. Items will be accepted during the school day.
Drop off point: Mrs Karayiannis’ room in Science
If you are unable to drop off items on these dates, they will be accepted at the office.
Items need to be washed before given into school. The Heads of School will organise and sort all donations that have been accumulated. We will accept the following products:
Skirts/ trousers
Shirts/ ties
P.E kits (all versions of kit are accepted)
School bags
Hockey sticks/bags
Your support with this initiative is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Heads of School and Mrs Karayiannis