Nurture Classes

Staff in Department

Mrs Mahon (Year 9 and Year 10)

Mr Kyle (Year 8 and Year 10)

Mr Paine (Year 11 and Year 12)

Mrs E Irvine (Teaching Assistant Year 8)

Mrs S Millar (Teaching Assistant Year 8)

Miss S Clements (Teaching Assistant Year 9)

Miss K Bell (Teaching Assistant Year 9)

Ms D Spence (Teaching Assistant Year 10)

Mrs J Houston (Teaching Assistant Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12)

Mr M Stevenson (Teaching Assistant Year 11 and Year 12)


To provide a safe, secure and structured environment for those pupils who may need additional support.

Nurture classes operate across Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 and take the form of a smaller discrete class, providing a more structured, secure and nurturing environment for pupils who may need additional support.   Initially, this may be in making the transition from primary school to the secondary school environment easier before continuing in the nurture environment as they progress through Key Stage 3 and 4.

Key Stage Three

Each nurture class has a dedicated teacher in Year 8 (Mr Kyle) and Year 9 (Miss Bonar) with the Year 10 class being shared between Mr Kyle and Miss Bonar.  While nurture classes cover the same subjects as other classes in their year group, each nurture teacher is responsible for delivering most of the subjects, enabling pupils to develop more positive relationships with their teacher and peers. 

The smaller class setting allows for 1 to 1 and small group work, ensuring each student meets their individual potential in a range of areas.  Overlearning of literacy, numeracy skills and knowledge to develop a sound foundation in these areas is a major focus.

Key Stage Four

We at Larne High School in Key Stage 4 have developed a Nurture Pathway Curriculum provision, this caters to pupils who have found the more traditional aspects of learning challenging for a variety of reasons: some may have Special Educational Needs or be dealing with pastoral issues.

We recognise that a tailored curriculum supports our students who choose this pathway and students study subjects similar to a Blended Learning Pathway with supported access to OCN Communication, Application of Number and Science, as well as vocational options which include IT, Carpentry, Princes Trust and Business Administration.

In this pathway we recognise that a young person requires more individual support and a variety of activities are included in the school day which aids pupil engagement. The form room is a mixture of traditional desks supplemented with soft furniture which allows students the room to relax and have some downtime, there are sofas and a variety of equipment which takes pupils minds off any study anxieties or stresses. Educational trips are organised as well as a visits’ from outside organisations such as Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. There are also weekly events that reward students for the commitment they make to their subjects, such as visual literacy lessons and a breakfast/tea break club.

This pathway has a dedicated teacher, Mr Paine, who is the Form teacher and delivers Communication and The Application of Number. Mrs Knox and Mr Gault lead the area and students study other subjects with various specialist subject teachers. The form group is similar in size to Key Stage 3 Form groups allowing the students to develop a positive relationship with their Form teacher, supporting them though the transition from Key Stage 3 to 4 and onto Further Education.

Jill Johnston