A message from Dr Reid re School Reopening for Year 12 - 14
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are almost at the point where pupils in Years 12-14 are able to return to school and we are very much looking forward to seeing the young people on Monday 22 March from 9.30 a.m. I know there will be many questions about the return to school and, of course, how grades will be awarded next term. The information below should hopefully provide answers to many of the queries you may have.
Re-opening Arrangements
The timetable that was in place until December 2020 will continue to operate and pupils will return to school in Week A. School will begin at 9.30 a.m. each morning and will finish at 3.00 p.m. Pupils in Years 13&14 should only attend school when they have classes or have been asked to come in by a teacher. Pupils in Years 13&14 will also be issued with a sign in card which they need to scan at one of the terminals when they enter the building., This will help us keep track of who is on the premises in the event of an emergency.
Face coverings must be work at all times in the building, including in class. Pupils who are unable to wear a face covering for a medical reason should bring a note to school and pass it to the teacher who sees them first. We will issue them with a discreet lapel pin so that no one challenges them about a face covering.
Friday 26 March would normally be a half day leading into the Easter Holidays. Because pupils have been away from school for so long this will be a normal school day finishing at 3.00 p.m.
School meals will be available as normal from Monday 22 March.
External Examinations
Many of you will be keen to know more about the process for awarding pupils in Years 12 and 14 grades for GCSE, BTEC and A Level courses. Teachers have been asked to calculate a grade for each pupil and submit this to the relevant exam board from mid-May on. There is one significant difference between the awarding of grades this year and the process from last year. In 2020 teachers were asked to estimate the grade a pupil would have achieved had they taken the exam. This year we are being asked to demonstrate the level the pupil has achieved using evidence. The evidence will be drawn from work that has already been done, but we must also provide evidence generated when pupils are back in school and some of this will have to take the form of class tests. It is vitally important that when pupils return to school they complete everything in line with the guidance given by their teachers and that they prepare carefully for any class tests that need to be taken. Individual class teachers will give pupils more information about what remains to be done when they next see the pupils in class.
The exam boards have been very clear that teachers cannot share calculated grades with pupils. We have also been instructed that any attempt to influence the awarding process by pupils or parents must be reported to the relevant exam board and will considered malpractice. Malpractice can lead to the loss of one or all grades in an exam series. It is therefore essential that pupils complete assignments to the highest standard in the coming weeks and that no attempt is made to influence the grades awarded, other than by the pupils’ hard work.
Results Dates
Pupils will receive A Level results on Tuesday 10 August and GCSE Results on Thursday 12 August. Arrangements for release of the results will be sent out at a later date.
Subject Choices
Year 12 will be able to make subject choices for Year 13 immediately after Easter and subject specific talks will take place either in class time or from 9.00 a.m. each morning next week for subjects that are only taught post-16. Separate information about subject choices will be sent directly from the Careers Department.
I hope that you now have a clearer picture about the arrangements for re-opening Larne High School and all that will happen in the coming weeks. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
With best wishes
Stephen Reid